How To Get Rid Of Bedbugs With Heat
Bedbugs are difficult to get rid of once you have an infestation, but if you work with a pest control company, you can eventually get the problem under control using a variety of methods. One thing that kills bedbugs is heat. Bedbugs die at 113 degrees Fahrenheit if the temperature is sustained for about an hour, and they can die quicker at higher temperatures. Here's what you need to know about killing bedbugs with heat.
Where Do Cockroaches Like To Hide? The Answers Can Help You Eradicate Them
So there you are, living in your home as happily as possible, when suddenly you see a roach run across the floor! Since you are not one to share your residence with these bug, or any other bug for that matter, you might panic and wonder where they are coming from--especially since you strive to keep a very clean home. Well, roaches don't care if your home is clean or not.
5 Things Homeowners Need To Know About Bald-Faced Hornets
Bald-faced hornets don't get as much attention as yellow jackets or bees, but they can still cause a lot of problems for American homeowners. Here are five things you need to know about them. What do bald-faced hornets look like? Bald-faced hornets are mostly black, but they have white markings on their faces and on the very ends of their abdomens, near their stingers. They're also known as "white-faced hornets" due to their coloring.
Tracking The Spread Of Bed Bugs In Canada: How To Find Out Which Hotels To Avoid
Bed bugs are international travelers that are completely unaffected by where they end up. Not even the more frigid areas of Northern Canada can stop these little bloodsuckers from migrating. (After all, they never go outdoors, and prefer to stay close to your nice, comfy bed.) However, if you want to avoid bringing any of these nasty little critters home with you, there are ways to find out which hotels and motels to avoid when you travel for business.