Keeping Bugs Where They Belong

Keeping Bugs Where They Belong

  • Three Things To Avoid If You Don't Want Rats

    No one wants rats to infest their home. These invaders will get into your food and leave behind droppings, which is both annoying and unsanitary. They can also do dangerous damage to homes, particularly if they begin to chew into any of the wiring or destroy the insulation in the walls. The following are three things you can do to make your home less attractive to rats. #1: Remove food sources

  • Ways To Discourage A German Cockroach Infestation

    German cockroaches are among the most common pests in the United States. As adults, the insects are brown in color and are generally around half an inch in length. Juvenile German cockroaches are black and are only about the size of an apple seed.  These roaches are often seen in homes, restaurants, hotels, and even office buildings. Unlike other six-legged pests, German roaches are fully dependent on humans for their survival. Thus, they are only found in places that are frequented by humans.

  • Tired Of Bugs Infesting Your Home? Why You Need Pest Control Services

    Residential pest issues are a topic that many people don't talk about. They might feel a bit unsettled about the bugs that they continuously see in their house but they are too ashamed to admit that it is a problem. If you've seen a few pests in your apartment or home on a regular basis, it's time to take matters into your own hands. Pest control services can help. The list below will underline a few reasons why you should invest in pest prevention services.

  • Tips For Keeping Ants Out Of Your Family's Home This Spring

    While most people love the flowers and warmer weather that come with the spring season, most people are not quite as thrilled about the ants who invade their home's kitchens and bathrooms. Starting in the early spring, ant colonies start to reproduce and grow, and this growth means the colony needs more sources of food and water. This is where your house comes in; the ants outside can smell the food and water inside of your home and will try to get inside to get some for themselves.

  • Do's And Don'ts When You Find A Bat On Your Property

    Whether it's flying in confused rings around your bedroom or hanging quietly in the attic, finding a bat in your house is always frightening. Because they can carry disease and do have the ability to bite humans (although their teeth are very small, so usually the bites themselves aren't serious), you need to take special care when dealing with a bat incursion. Here are some dos and don'ts to help you navigate this situation safely.

  • 2024© Keeping Bugs Where They Belong
    About Me
    Keeping Bugs Where They Belong

    Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with pests inside your house. In addition to giving you the creepy-crawlies, it might also make friends and family members think twice before they lounge on your sofa or stay the night. However, you don't have to let bugs ruin your lifestyle. By paying a professional who handles pest control, you can add an invisible barrier inside your home to ward off harmful insects. My blog discusses all different types of pest control methods, so that you understand the options you have available. After treating your home, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy a clean and relaxing space.
